다양한 미디어를 매개로 혼합적인 작업을 지향하고 실천하는 작가다. 울산대학교 및 동 대학원과 연세대학교 커뮤니케이션대학원에서 각각 서양화와 미디어아트를 전공해 졸업했다. 2009년 첫 개인전을 시작으로 물리적 작업뿐만 아니라, 다양한 방법론에 기인해 본인의 예술 스펙트럼을 넓히는 중이다. 작업의 전반적인 형식은 영상/설치/평면 등을 오가는데, 이는 어쩌면 동시대 미디어 생태학적 환경에서 사회적 객체이자 주체로서 본인이 무엇을 탐색하고 해석해야 하는지를 랜덤하게 살피는 표상의 흔적일 것이다.  ‘포스트인터넷 아트의 예술적 가치와 단서_Artistic Values and Clues of the Post-Internet Art’, ‘동시대 예술에서 인터넷 미디어의 영향과 예술적 함의_Internet Media’s Influence and Artistic Implications in Contemporary Art’ , ‘디지털 체험형 교육 콘텐츠에서의 그림자 활용에 대한 연구: 개발 사례를 중심으로_A Study on the Shadows in the Educational Contents Based on Digital Experience: Focused on the ‘ 등을 연구한 바 있다.
 The new media that surrounds modern society induces a meta inclination different from that of the old media. Among them, metadata (texts, images, videos, etc.) circulating on the Internet is combined with various genres and occupies a unique position in communication among modern people. The representative medium of communication would be humans. For example, in the gap where the popularization of the Internet has become a common environment, it is expanding using keywords such as participatory, openness, and disperse, which can be said to be characteristics of Internet culture. Furthermore, anyone can do unique activities while quickly disperse/expanding modern society’s culture along with this internet network.
In other words, now is the age of artists for everyone. In addition, the environmental conditions of the Internet media and the above social changes and influences act as a key driving force in the art field. And today’s art is not a privilege given only to a few. However, the question arises as to whether creators in the art field are neglecting their philosophy or aesthetic point of view because they are easily swept away by the rapid distribution and duplication of internet media when they present their work. Of course, I am not in a position to think that art is true art only if it has some huge discourse. However, as the current era has entered the common environmental trajectory of the Internet, I take the position that to acquire more of one’s correct aesthetic concept, one must think about one’s philosophy in simple daily life.
Thus, my artistic practice discovers simple materials of everyday life without distinction of the genre. At the same time, it interprets the media and humans that exist inside and outside the Internet in a more semantic/ontological way. I would like to present the following works with the position that the aforementioned problems can be reorganized.
 Cha Bo Ri pursued undergraduate and graduate studies in Painting at the University of Ulsan, and she majored in media art at the Yonsei University Graduate School of Communication & Arts. She has held 12 solo exhibitions(Seoul, Ulsan, Busan, Daegu) and 90 group exhibitions. Her work encompasses a wide range of genres, including painting, printmaking, video art, and installations. Recently, she has been working on video installations created based on materials and subject matter found in everyday life, and through her work, she conveys messages on the meaning and existence of media and human beings.